CHEM590X students take a "Behind the Scenes" tour of the Advanced Photon Source!
CHEM 590X students went on a field trip to the Advanced Photon Source synchrotron at Argonne National Lab. We received a rare "behind...

We Installed a New Femtosecond OPA Laser
A new femtosecond laser was installed close to the MRL Hitachi-9500 ETEM. It consists of a femtosecond 1030 nm pump laser (Pharos) and a...

Cecilia Presents Her Work For Our Collaborators at the Advanced Photon Source
Cecilia presents her work for the Advanced Photon Source Science Advisory Committee Review of Sector 7-ID Pump-Probe!

Movie of Single-Shot Laser Pulse in TEM!
The .gif above shows a real time movie of a single-shot laser pulse within the TEM.